Privacy & Regulations
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Files and right of access
Your data is stored in a medical file, also called status. You may see your file in consultation with the physician. You may also have the file or parts of the file copied.
Requests to view your file or obtain a copy thereof can be directed to the treating specialist or the support office. When a request to view a file is received, a convenient time will be found to go through the file with you. You may also authorise someone to view your file or request a copy on your behalf. The applicant (partner, family member or lawyer) must submit a written authorisation. Your file is stored for 15 years after the last consultation.
Rights and obligations of patients
The rights and obligations of patients and the organisation are laid down in the WGBO (Medical Treatment Contracts Act).
Patients have the right to:
careful care and treatment appropriate to their situation or illness while retaining the right to take decisions on that recommended treatment;
respect for human dignity
respect for religious convictions or worldviews
respect for their privacy and personal situation
the confidential treatment of their data
clear information that helps them assess their situation
receive enough information to be able to decide if they wish to undergo a certain examination/treatment. The information covers potential risks and treatments
agree to a treatment or examination or not
request time to think, weigh up what is proposed and to consult others
a meeting with a treating physician or other persons responsible for their treatment in order to lodge a complaint and to see it being handled
The regulations listed above are based on the WGBO (Medical Treatment Contracts Act)
The patient is expected to:
cooperate with any medical and nursing treatment agreed upon
help the smooth running of the clinic
show respect and understanding for other patients and staff members and take their interests into account