Privacy statement
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Privacy statement
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the current privacy regulation under EU law that protects data. Under this law any organisation that processes data has certain obligations and the person whose data is processed has certain rights. As a patient you have rights and Avisina must comply with certain regulations. These are explained below.
The purpose for which Avisina processes data
Avisina processes your personal data in order to provide you services in accordance with the Wet op de Geneeskundige Behandelingsovereenkomst (WGBO, Medical Treatment Contracts Act) and in line with the GDPR. Your data is also processed for the financial procedures. At your request, certain data is used for the purpose of contacting you by telephone or email and/or to contact you in writing (by post/email) should you not be reachable by telephone.
Avisina will not share your data with third parties outside its service provision and the financial processing unless it is obliged to do so by law. The data is processed within the European Economic Zone (EEZ).
Personal data
In order to provide its services adequately, Avisina processes the following data:
– First name and surname – Address
– Telephone number
– Email address
– National Insurance Number
– Date of birth
– Medical data
Avisina takes the protection of your data seriously and takes the appropriate precautionary technical and organisational measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorised access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorised changes. All staff are required to handle your data confidentially.
Rights of the data subject
As a patient, you have the right to view your data as processed by Avisina. Apart from this, you may also correct your data or have them removed. If you wish to use your right, you can make this known to the person responsible for data processing as described below. Avisina will respond within four weeks. Copies of data are not sent but must be collected in person from Avisina. This allows Avisina to check your identity so that the data is given to the right person.
Retention period
Avisina has a retention period of 15 years effective from the last consultation. Your data will be destroyed after the retention period has elapsed.
Contact person for data processing
If you suspect that your data is not secure or there are indications of misuse, or if you would like more information about the security of the data collected by Avisina, please contact Avisina at or on 020-2051054. Should you not be in agreement with Avisina, you have the right to report this or lodge a complaint at the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (Dutch Data Protection Authority) through